
"My Most Incredible Free Gift Ever...

Designed To Forge You Into A Pro Photographer In Minimum Time!"


PLUS You'll Get Over


Worth Of 'PURE' Landscape Photography Information For FREE (Just For Saying 'Maybe'!)

All You Have To Do Is Say,


And The Gift Is Yours...

Get A 14 Day Free Trial To The Photoserge Academy

When You Subscribe To The Photoserge Academy

You'll Also Get A FREE Subscription To The 'Photography Secrets' Letter -A $97 Month Value FOR FREE!

What The Other Legends Of Photography Are Saying...

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Matt Kloskowski

Dan Kennedy teaching has been the guiding mantra of every business I have ever started.

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Craig Alexander

Dan Kennedy teaching has been the guiding mantra of every business I have ever started.

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Mimo Meidani

Dan Kennedy teaching has been the guiding mantra of every business I have ever started.

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Jakub Bors

Dan Kennedy teaching has been the guiding mantra of every business I have ever started.

We Want To GIFT You

Over $19,997 Worth Of High-End Photography Knowledge & Secrets... FOR FREE!


Every Month You'll Get:

Secrets from Serge Ramelli himself... Retouching Secrets... Cityscape Photography Secrets... Landscape Composition Secrets... How To Make Money With Photography...​ And much, MUCH more!

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Free Gift #1

($359 Value)

"Photography Essentials Physical Book"

You'll get the "Photography Essentials" physical book that will change the way you think of Photography! In more than 100 pages full of Best Kept photography knowledge, you will see how Serge Ramelli was able to create some of his most iconic photos.

This book now reveals what it takes to create The Masterpiece of a photo, all camera settings used to create each particular image, advanced untold techniques, and dozens of immersive photography stories!

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Free Gift #2

($359 Value)

"Photoshop The Easy Way Physical Book"

This book has been transforming THOUSANDS of photographers by helping them go from "Photoshop anxiety" to "being able to do anything" in this software.

You will get the most up-to-date practical information on how to use Photoshop effectively. Masks... layers... brushes... advanced sky-replacement... manual selective adjustments... Creative Dodge-and-Burn...

The book will guide you through complexity of Photoshop and teach you the things you REALLY need using very simple words and concepts!


Free Gift #3

($197 Value)

"Passionate Photographer T-Shirt"

You'll get the "Passionate Photographer T-shirt" which is a fantastic way to share your passion with those around you!

You might never even know how many photographers are around you, maybe even in your neighbourhood. This T-shirt is a great conversation-starter and will help you make new friends you can take photos with!

(And, it's great quality!) ..


Free Gift #4

($149 Value)

"Ultimate Camera Settings Cheat Sheet"

This Cheat Sheet will help you make sure you ALWAYS use the right camera settings. 100% of the time. No matter the weather conditions or the gear you use.

The Ultimate Camera Settings is the EXACT framework Serge Ramelli has been using for ALL his photos. Now, you will be able to access it at any time - just download it to your iPhone or Android phone and use it next time you go out to take photos!


Free Gift #5

($139 Value)

"Secrets Of Composition Cheat Sheet"

The "Secrets Of Composition" Cheat Sheet is going to reveal some of the greatest composition techniques out there and help you use them to create your own art.

It combines both the Classic Long-Forgotten composition styles used by artists like Leonardo DaVinci, as well as some Modern ones to give your photos depth and character!

This Cheat Sheet is the step-by-step framework you can use right away!


Free Gift #6

($139 Value)

"Secret Lightroom Shortcuts Cheat Sheet"

By using the "Secret Lightroom Shortcuts" Cheat Sheet, you will be able to cut your editing timeIN HALF and have more time to focus on getting the perfect shot while you are at the location!

You'll get some of the most useful shortcuts in Lightroom that not many people know about, though they make creating STUNNING photos SO MUCH EASIER!


All You Have To Do Is Say,


And The Gift Is Yours...

Get A 14 Day Trial To The Photoserge Academy and Get The Photography Secrets Letter For FREE!


When You Say "Maybe" Today, You Can Have ALL Of This...

  • ​FREE 14-Day Photo Serge Academy Trial..........................................................
  • FREE VIP Live Weekly Coaching With Serge Ramelli..........................................................
  • FREE 'Lightroom Classic' book (physical copy)..........................................................
  • FREE 'Photoshop The Easy Way' book (physical copy)..........................................................
  • FREE Ultimate Camera Settings Cheat Sheet..........................................................
  • FREE Secrets of Composition Cheat Sheet..........................................................
  • FREE Lightroom Shortcuts Cheat Sheet..........................................................
  • BONUS Specialty Photography Courses.......................................................
  • BONUS Iceland Online Photography Workshop......................................

Total Value: $19,997


(Just Cover $29.95 For Printing, Shipping & Handling)

Get A 14 Day Trial To The Photoserge Academy and Get The Photography Secrets Letter For FREE!

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30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

We provide a 100% Guarantee that you'll love this gift, or we'll return your shipping fees and let you keep the gift anyway! 

You don't even have to send us anything back. Just call/email us and we'll give your money back with no questions asked.

And if you decide at any moment you don't want to be a subscriber anymore, you can cancel anytime, and still keep the gifts we sent you!

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The Photoserge Double-Guarantee

Also, we provide our special Double Guarantee:

If you are a part of a small percentage of people and you don't experience groundbreaking improvements in your photography, we will offer you a 100% Money Back!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How does the free trial work?

A: Test-drive the Photoserge Academy a full 30 days without sending us a dime.
No gimmicks. Then, if you agree these two letters contain the best, most valuable photography advice, and can't wait to implement everything taught, then we'll continue to mail you FRESH & NEW issues of Photography Secrets Letter every month thereafter and bill you based on the plan you choose on the next page.

Q: When will I receive my free gift with my books?

A: When you sign up today for the Photoserge Academy free trial subscription, you will receive instant access to all of the free digital downloads on the order confirmation page. For the physical books, please allow 3 to 5 weeks for them to arrive.

Q: Who is this for?

A: Landscape and Cityscape photographers who are tired of being "stuck" at one level on their photography journey. It's for everyone who wishes to start getting real improvements with their photography as soon as today!

Q: Do you have a guarantee?

A: Yes! We guarantee a 30-day 100% refund, which means you can test drive us for a full 30 days risk free, and if you don't like us, then you can simply email us and we'll refund your money right away, and you can keep the free gifts on us. ;)

Q: How much does it cost?

A: Today, you can secure $1,000+ dollars worth of gifts completely free! We simply ask that you pay the one-time, small shipping & printing fee of $29.95.

Then, after the initial 14-day test-run, if you like us and agree we are the best photography learning platform to help you go to the next level, you will continue having monthly access to all of Photoserge Academy's courses and we'll bill you based on the membership you choose on the next page.

Get A 14 Day Trial To The Photoserge Academy and Get The Photography Secrets Letter For FREE!

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